Nearly 25 years after he last managed the Cincinnati Reds, Pete Rose hasn't given up hope that baseball will one day reinstate him.

"I've waited 25 years, but I've done so because I was the one who screwed up," Rose said. "And if I were given a second chance, I would be the happiest guy in the world."

On Jan. 24, 2015, MLB commissioner Bud Selig, who has not ruled on lifting Rose's ban since he applied for reinstatement in 1997, is retiring.

Rose was banned from the game in August 1989.

"I haven't given up on Bud," Rose said. "I'm not glad he's leaving. He has a love for the game and has been good for it. If the next guy is his best friend, I don't expect he'll just turn me loose, but if he isn't, I hope he has an open mind."