Lance Berkman has criticized Bud Selig for extorting new Astros owner Jim Crane into changing leagues as a precondition of the sale of the franchise in November. Berkman, a member of the Astros for 12 seasons before his departure two years ago, called it a "travesty" four months ago when the team agreed to move to the American League in 2013. The slugger took his comments a step further before a Grapefruit League game between the Cardinals and Astros on Tuesday, saying: "I feel basically like the commissioner extorted Jim Crane into moving the Astros." Berkman didn't back down when asked if he has conveyed those sentiments directly to Selig. He said he would be comfortable using the word "extort" if he talks to the commissioner. "If he called me, I would tell him," Berkman said. "I think that's exactly what it was. To tell [Crane], 'We're going to hold the sale of the team up until you guys agreed to switch'? It just happened that the Astros were being sold at an optimal time for that to happen."