The Phillies and shortstop Jimmy Rollins have discussed a new contract, but nothing is close as the two sides are at an impasse. Rollins wants a five-year deal, which is something Philadelphia doesn't want to give him. "I'm not sure if Rollins will get five years, but he's a safer bet for me than any starting pitcher on the free agent market -- and some of those (or at least C.J. Wilson) will get five years," said a National League talent evaluator. "Rollins shows you five average or better-than-average tools on any given day. There's some concern about whether or not Rollins comes to play every day, but he's at his best when it matters most. He still plays shortstop well, relying more on instincts than pure range, but is still above average for me. He was a 15-30 guy this year (home runs-stolen bases) and isn't a beneficiary of Citizens Bank Park. He's arguably one of the five best shortstops in baseball and can hit anywhere from leadoff to second to fifth to sixth in a lineup. A former MVP who plays with high energy, and he's a winner; he will get paid. The only question is whether it will be four years or five years."