White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen appears to have lost all trust in Jake Peavy, who suffered a setback in his recovery from a shoulder injury on Sunday. Peavy convinced the team last season that he could pitch through pain and then blew out his latissimus dorsi muscle. This spring he told them he was capable of pitching through soreness and then came Sunday's setback. "Believe me as long as I am the manager of this ballclub that is the last time he convinces me," Guillen said. "I will make the call. I will have the power to let him go out or not. I know it sounds powerful but the last two times he didn't convince me, he convinced everybody he could go out there and perform and the next day we get bad news. "I am the manager of [this] club and I was the guy who was against [him pitching Saturday], but he said he was fine and ready to pitch. I have full responsibility of players and at end of the day it's on my shoulders how people get hurt or not." Peavy is expected to begin the season on the disabled list.