Alex Rodriguez made some pointed comments about Sports Illustrated writer Selena Roberts during his interview with Peter Gammons on Monday, and she has called his claims "absurd." "This lady is coming out with all these allegations, all these lies because she's writing an article for Sports Illustrated and she's coming out with a book in May," said Rodriguez. He went on to accuse Roberts of stalking him, saying she "has been thrown out of my apartment in New York City ... has five days ago just been thrown out of the University of Miami by police for trespassing ... and four days ago she tried to break into my house where my girls are up there sleeping, and got cited by the Miami Beach police. I have the paper here." Roberts and Sports Illustrated released a statement regarding A-Rod's "stalking" claims. "I've never set foot in the lobby of Alex's New York apartment building, never spoken to the University of Miami police, and never set foot on his home property or been cited by the Miami police for doing so," she said.