The inaugural World Baseball Classic is being held in March, and players from teams in both leagues are taking part. As a result, players are being allowed to arrive early, and Mariners third baseman Adrian Beltre showed up Friday. Previously, players who showed up early could work out on their own, but legally couldn't get instruction or help from coaches, a prohibition that does not exist this year. Beltre not only arrived way early, but way lighter. He's lost about a dozen pounds off a body that wasn't at all bloated. "I'm about 216 right now," Beltre said. "I'd like to play about 215 this year. I think it will be easier on my hamstrings." The third baseman has had hamstring trouble off and on the past few seasons, and anything that takes the tightness out of those muscles is doing Beltre and the Mariners a big favor. Beltre, who dieted and "ran like crazy" to trim down, won't be with the Mariners long. He will be the starting third baseman for the Dominican Republic in the WBC. He'll leave March 2 to join the team. "I'm here to work out and get ready to play," Beltre said. "It's better to be here and to be getting ready." The Mariners are happy to have Beltre in camp because he's in such terrific shape and will get some time in the batting cage with new batting coach Jeff Pentland.