Padres' general manager Kevin Towers has not been asked to leave. His keys continue to fit the locks at Petco Park. His parking space remains reserved. Officially, at least, he is still wanted, still welcome and still entitled to the employee discount. If Towers decides to join the Arizona Diamondbacks, it may be more a matter of narcissism than necessity. "I said when I came to San Diego that I respected Kevin as a general manager as well as an individual," Sandy Alderson, the Padres' chief executive officer, said yesterday. "I still do. I very definitely think he has a major role to play in our organization. Obviously, the dynamics are a little different now. (But) I don't have a desire for him to leave." On the surface, at least, the issue here is whether Towers can be content in a subordinate role as his decision-making dwindles. The prevailing opinion in baseball is "no." Alderson is clearly calling the shots now for the Home Team and no ballclub can function effectively with two bosses. The tea leaves would tell you the Padres' general manager's job is going to get gutted ? if it hasn't already ? and that Towers' 10-year tenure therefore is nearing its end.