The Los Angeles Angels made their first big move of the off-season by signing centerfielder Gary Matthews Jr. The contract is a five-year deal worth $50 million. Gary Matthews, Jr. is a Gold Glove-caliber outfielder and has progressed offensively the past few seasons. After bouncing around the league at the beginning of his career, Matthews had found a home in Texas and had a career year last season. Last year Matthews batted .313 with 19 homers and 79 RBIs, however he has a career batting average of just .263. The Angels did address a need by signing Matthews Jr. because they were in without a true centerfielder. Matthews is a very good defensive outfielder and did put up solid numbers last season. He only started to become a true everyday player over the last two seasons however, and he is already 32 years old. He is not a young player so to think that he is going to continue to get better would be unrealistic. You can count on Matthews to play great defense and bat .275 with 15 homers and 65 RBIs, anything extra is bonus. My Grade: C Even though the Angels needed a centerfielder and Gary Matthews, Jr. is a very solid addition, five-years at $50 million is too much money for him. After having his first solid season at age 32, I do not believe that should get him a long-term deal at $10 million per season. Astros Sign Carlos Lee The Houston Astros signed one of the top free-agents of the off-season in Carlos Lee. The contract is for six-years worth $100 million. Carlos Lee is one of the top sluggers in the league and last season he batted .300 with 37 homers and 116 RBIs all while stealing 19 bases. He played the first six seasons of his career with the White Sox and was then traded to Milwaukee before the 2005 season followed by a deadline deal to the Rangers last season. Lee consistently puts up big offensive numbers and can be counted on to bat .280 with 30 homers and 100 RBIs. Carlos Lee will provide the Astros with another big bat that they have lacked since Jeff Bagwell retired. At age 30, Lee has a lot of years left and should be very productive for the entire length of his six-year contract. I do think that $100 million is a lot to pay for Lee, but the market in the MLB has been growing the last two seasons and someone else would have given Lee the money had Houston decided not too. The Astros finished strong and made a late push for the playoffs, as they usually do. Lee is a player that can help push them over the top and get them back into the playoffs last year. The Astros usually rely on pitching and although they are currently without Clemens and Pettitte, they still do have one of the top aces in the league with Oswalt. With the Cubs signing Soriano, the Astros signing Lee, and the World Champion St. Louis Cardinals, the NL Central is shaping up to be a solid division and should provide the Major Leagues with an exciting Pennant race. My Grade: B+ The Astros may have overpaid for Lee, but if Gary Matthews Jr. can get $50 million, Lee definitely deserves $100 million. A very consistent slugger, I expect Lee to more than satisfy the Astros and to be a very good addition to this team.