Brian Cashman supports the right of players to express themselves in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

On the eve of Opening Day the New York Yankees general manager addressed the widespread social justice protests, "That's a manifestation of where our country currently is. Our country is, in many ways, the greatest country in the world, and in some ways it's broken. We are not all together and not all as one as we should be. And because of that, you're seeing demonstrations like kneeling at the anthem. Part of our community is hurting when it shouldn't be. And it's been ignored for a long period of time."

Cashman said he would support any Yankee who decided to kneel.

"The great part of America is there's different ways to express yourself, and different platforms to utilize how you express yourself and in some cases that happens to be kneeling during the anthem," he said. "I support the expression of the ability for somebody to protest in the way they see fit."