Red Sox right-hander Josh Beckett continues to hope he'll miss just one start because of a sprained ankle. Beckett has fluid in his ankle in the back of the joint, but the ankle ligament was not damaged. He suffered the injury on Monday. "It feels a lot better today," Beckett said Saturday. "Two days ago it was pretty rough." He was able to handle his body weight pushing off on Saturday. The next step would be to throw off a mound. It's reasonable to expect that he would do so by midweek, which would put him on track to start by next weekend. "It's not my decision," he said. "I think the trainer has got to be comfortable with where I'm at. I don't see it being too much longer. "This thing needs to be 100 percent or at least close to 100 percent whenever I come back because it makes everyone look foolish if you go back out there and hurt it five pitches in. I don't think we're going to do that. We're going to test it off the mound first and figure things out."