The California Assembly voted on Monday that the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim are engaged in what amounts to false advertising and approved a bill that would require the team to disclose on their tickets, ads and other promotional material that its home is in Anaheim. The measure, now sent to the Senate by a 41-17 vote, also would apply to any other professional team that used a geographic location in its name that did not reflect where it played the greatest number of its games -- unless the team's home city or county agreed to waive the disclosure requirement. Assemblyman Tom Umberg said his bill would expose "deceptiveness in sports advertising." He also said it would protect the interests of Anaheim, which gave the Angels a break on stadium rent in exchange for prominently including the city in the team's name. "This is a taxpayer issue," said Umberg, whose district includes Angel Stadium. "The taxpayers of Anaheim bargained to have their name in a marquee position. The Angels have been very cute by turning it on their head."