David Ortiz regrets announcing that this will be his final Major League season.

The Boston Red Sox slugger feels overwhelmed by all the attention he has received, which he said has affected his extended preparation time before each game.

"I'm too busy. I have too many things to do. I barely have time to do anything," Ortiz said. "It's very difficult for me. If I had even imagined that it would be so difficult, I wouldn't have announced anything. There are too many people I have to pay attention to, and on top of that I have to prepare for a game."

Ortiz arrives early to prepare himself to play. He deals with a lot of pain in his feet, which is the main reason he guarantees he will never change his mind and come back for another season.

"Everything hurts," he said. "It even hurts to think. Last time I reached second after a double, I almost called for a timeout so they would get me out of the game. I can barely run because my feet hurt so much. I am in severe pain.

"One often tries to live in the moment, and even when your body is saying no, you say yes, even when your body says not to. Only mental strength convinces you that you can continue. Mental strength tells you that you can keep at it. But the body is a machine; it will give out and will send you a bill."