Terry Francona says the process of putting together a book about his time with the Red Sox was a cathartic experience.

"This book's been done for a while and we kind of put it on the back burner and I've been working in Cleveland and being busy and all of a sudden there's a release date, which I probably lost track of, and then all of a sudden everything comes out, which I understand," Francona said. "So I hadn't really been thinking about it very much."

Things have gotten out of hand with parts of the book leaking out.

"I think there's been a reaction to the excerpts," he said. "I think that's the way it works. I think as people take time to read the book, which I hope they do—I hope they buy it—I hope they read it ... if they have to choose one I hope they buy it. I think a lot of things are in context better. Once I decided to do it, since I wasn't manager, I had time to kind of dig in and get after it. It was fun. I tried to deal year to year and I knew at some point we would have to come to the end, so we had to touch on that, too. It's a tough subject for me. It's kind of a personal one.
"I don't think I wake up every morning anymore thinking about it. I'm not bitter or anything but we certainly have to talk about it."