The Red Sox haven't made a huge splash this offseason, but after two disappointing seasons they are focused on building a deep roster.

Boston has added Joel Hanrahan, Stephen Drew, Shane Victorino and Ryan Dempster to the core of David Ortiz, Dustin Pedroia, Jon Lester, Jacoby Ellsbury and Clay Buchholz.

"We're trying to add to the team and improve the team in as many areas as we can without being as focused on the headline and being as focused as we can on improving the team and building the roster in as many areas as we can," Ben Cherington said.

"We're trying to build as deep a team as we can and filling the clubhouse with guys we can believe in and building the team that way. We're going to continue to try to do that. The proof will be in the pudding. We'll see if we can execute it enough."