The Philadelphia Inquirer has obtained transcripts of 911 calls of an incident involving Brett Myers and his wife near Fenway Park. "There's a guy like beating up his girlfriend," a woman told Boston's 911 operators during the June 23 incident. "I got a guy smacking a girl around right in front of the Hynes Convention Center. She's crying. She's got no shoes on," a man reported. "He's a pretty big guy... and he's hitting her hard." Sly Egidio, a 30-year-old former Marine who runs a sports collectibles business in Boston, said he placed one of the two 911 calls on the transcript provided by Boston police. Egidio said he did not think the Phillies have taken the incident seriously enough. "The whole thing just irks me," Egidio said in an interview yesterday. "It irks my friends. It's just disgusting." He said he and two friends had left a restaurant when they saw a man they now know to be Myers rear back and punch a woman. "He hauled off and smacked her across the face," Egidio said yesterday. "This wasn't an argument. This was bad." Kim Myers was on the ground, he said, and Brett Myers yanked her up so hard her shoes went flying. In the 911 transcripts, Egidio emphasized that the victim was not wearing shoes. Egidio said one of his friends, Courtney Knight, was the other 911 caller. Knight gave police a detailed description of what she was seeing, and pleaded: "They're on the sidewalk. Please hurry up."