Red Sox chairman Tom Werner called comments made last week by Yankees general manager Brian Cashman "reverse psychology." Cashman had said that he thought the Red Sox were better than the Yankees. "We have a better bullpen," he added. "We both have comparable position players to run out there -- you might want to give us the nod, you want to give them the nod, it doesn't necessarily matter." "I don't know, that might just be reverse psychology," Werner said with a laugh. "They're a tough team. We're very excited about our season, but you should never take the Yankees lightly." Larry Lucchino, who amped up the rivalry with his "Evil Empire" characterization to long-time New York Times reporter Murray Chass, stoked no fires Monday night. "You know, Cashman is a very honest, forthright guy, but he's also not above playing games," Lucchino said. "[The Yankees are] always the favorite. C'mon, they're the New York Yankees, they're in the biggest market in the world. "We're happy to be those guys they worry about looking over their shoulder. I don't know, if it was anyone but Cashman I'd say there was some gamesmanship in it, but in this case I think he was saying something he believes. I hope he has respect for us because we have plenty of it for them."