Astros pitcher Roy Oswalt has asked for a trade and rumors kicked up on Friday as the team began a series in New York against the Yankees. Oswalt asked Houston to trade him to a contender last month. "From the very beginning, I've said I want to go to an organization that wants to win, and the Yankees surely want to win," Oswalt said. "I'm going to let the front office and my agent handle that. My main focus right now is just to put us in a situation to win every time I go out there. The other stuff can handle itself." Oswalt will be a free agent after the 2011 season, and his contract includes a club option for 2012. He has a full no-trade clause in his deal. "The thing with the Yankees is that every year, they're going to try to go out -- if they're lacking a player here and there -- they're going to go out and get it," Oswalt said. "It doesn't matter the salary, or anything. They're going to try to win every year, and they keep pushing the envelope every year and are getting more and more players and have a great team."