Andy Pettitte hinted on Sunday that he would like to pitch for the Yankees again next season. Pettitte will be a free agent this winter, but doesn't want to haggle over a return as he did last offseason. "I really would hate ... I really don't want to go into the offseason, you know, and sit there and be a free agent again, have to worry about other people making me offers and whatever," Pettitte told the New York Daily News. In addition to contending each season, Pettitte feels as though there's something special about pitching in the Bronx. "I wanted to come back here and it looked like it might not happen towards the end. In my mind-set, I was coming back no matter what," he said. "That's where I was at. It's tough when you're getting offers from other clubs, and it's not even comparable. "As far as next year - I'm trying to get through this year. I hope I can stay healthy and try to help this club win. That's all we're looking at right now. I'm not through - we got a lot of starts left (this season). I want my arm to be healthy. Once I get closer, I can start thinking about that. Maybe start talking to my family and my wife about that." RealGM Note: Pettitte is ranked 83rd in season FIC, 'deserving' to make $10M. The Yankees gave Pettitte a contract worth just $5.5M during the offseason, which gives him a Reina Value of +82%.