Mike Mussina doesn't believe that the drama surrounding Joe Torre's upcoming book The Yankee Years will hurt the team this season. Torre criticized Alex Rodriguez in the book. "He's the best player that I've had a chance to play with," Mussina said of Rodriguez. "And he works hard at it, and if he sat around and worried about everything that happened, he wouldn't be able to be the player that he is. "I was in that clubhouse for eight years. I've seen a lot of stuff go on. A lot of stories go out. I've seen Alex deal with a lot of things, this past year and in other years. I don't foresee this as being a major issue." Mussina also said that any negative references or names for A-Rod were probably all in fun. "What goes on in the clubhouse and teammates razzing or giving each other a hard time doesn't necessarily mean we're cutting into people," Mussina said. "Did I ever hear anybody call him that? It's possible. But that doesn't mean it's meant in a harsh way. We're stuck together for six months, and we're trying to have fun with each other and get people motivated. I don't look at that as something that's nasty. Yeah, maybe it was wrong, but it's what guys do."